Jun 6, 2007

The swim start

We were talking about the swim start with my family last night when my uncle mentioned that he had gotten punched in the head halfway through. Yes, it's rough, but hey that's part of the fun. Someone on Slowtwitch.com mentioned the same thing and asked for a few pictures that summed up the experience well. These were my favorite, I think they give a good feel for the race. Of course, there's a big difference in the 80 person waves at Mooseman and the 2200 or so at Ironman.

What a great shot from above...

This seems a bit painful...

Just a few racers...


Anonymous,  7:42 AM  

The first pic is from IM Brazil I believe. Nice pic but it's less than 1000 swimmers -- you gotta imagine at least double that in Placid

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