Jun 25, 2008


DNS - Did Not Start - As in no racing last night... why? Because I'm an idiot, that's why!

Last week, when attempting to take my bike of the rack on my truck, I broke the key in the lock and couldn't remove it. I spent a few days looking for the second key and after having finally found it I was relieved to not have to cut off the lock. So I got ready and headed for Winding Trails in order to race last night, but discover 1/2 hour before race time that I didn't bring the good key with me! Thus, I was all dressed up with my bike locked firmly to my truck! I supposed I could have lobbied for using the truck instead of my bike but I was out of the race!

Instead I headed for my uncle's birthday party a bit early and had some cake! Oh well... there's always next week.


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