Brutal week at Work
Crazy time at work this week, I had 3 vendors for 2 different projects come in for a total of 8 days worth of presentations... all jammed into 4 days of work time. After the relaxing day off on Monday for a company holiday, the next four days were spent with overlapping presentations and sales pitches where sales weenies spend hours droning on about their company and how they can solve all your problems! Even worse... my normal job still continues on, so after 8 hours plus of presentations I go back to my desk and try to put out the fires that sprang up during the day. Bottom line, late days all week long!
It's definitely a relief to have the week over, and I chilling at home today. My workouts suffered for sure, but with Volleyball on hiatus for a couple weeks it should be easier to get to the gyms in the morning again. I also talked to a new triathlon convert today, a friend from here in town who has helped with track in the spring and he's anxious to do some riding together. Looking forward to it!
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