Jul 12, 2007

Bib Number!

The bib numbers for Lake Placid have been released... I'm # 534!

10 days to go, the pucker factor is going up. Should be an easy week and a half until I head up next Thursday. I've got a lot of real life stuff to get done as well, so it's good to have a bit of training time back. I'm still undecided about racing next Tuesday night. I don't want to hurt anything, but it's the perfect workout for a taper week, short duration with fast effort to keep the muscles tuned but not tired out. Plus I'd like to stay in the running for the series and I'll miss at least 2 weeks anyway. The lowest 2 scores are dropped, so I can miss two but not 3. I'm not sure it's realistic to think I would be in the running for any placing anyway, but I'm currently 5th in my age group. We'll see.


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