Taper time!
It's been an easy week as I'm tapering for the Mooseman race this weekend. Essentially, this means taking it easy to let the legs and body recover and feel good for the race without losing your fitness. A little bit of swimming, biking and running to stay fresh without exhausting myself. Interesting enough, I actually feel more tired, I suspect it's because I haven't been exercising in the morning and thus I'm not woken up by the time I get to work.
I'll swim tomorrow morning, then a short run and that will be it until Sunday when I hit the Mooseman 1/2 Iron course. We're going to be leaving around noon on Friday and heading up to camp out for the weekend. The bike is all tuned up and I have everything ready to go. I'll post an update on Monday for sure, it will probably take a little while for the official results to get posted online.