Feb 26, 2008

Photos from Florida

Some of the highlights...

The trip didn't start off great, this was the view from my windshield in New York and most of New Jersey.

Spent a little time fishing, although we didn't catch much on the charter boat.

Little bit of time boating with my grandfather.

I even did a little bike training

Tried the local sushi

Laid around quite a bit.

REALY enjoyed the beach

I also managed to go for a couple runs, and do some swimming in the pool. Now it's back to the cold and daily grind. I have a bike maintenance course tonight with my brother which should be interesting... and hopefuly I will get back into the routine soon.


Matthew M. 10:20 AM  

That bike photo is a great look for you, I think you should see if you can borrow Margaret's bike for the Bull Moose!

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